Site Map
- Land Reform Bill
- About us
Our work
Good Practice
- Responsible Natural Capital and Carbon Management
- Common Good Land
- Community Benefits
Transparency of Ownership and Land Use
- Land Management Planning: John Muir Trust
- Land Management Planning – Scone Estates
- Land Management Planning – Loch Arkaig Pine Forest
- Land Management Planning – JAHAMA Highland Estates
- Land Management Planning – Urras Oighreacht Ghabhsainn (Galson Estate Trust)
- Land Management Planning – Crown Estate Scotland
- Land Management Planning – Buccleuch Estates
- Land Management Planning – Ardtornish
Community Engagement
- Community Engagement at Glen Dye Moor
- RSPB Insh Marshes Nature Reserve
- Savills involvement in Community Engagement
- Findrassie Master-planned Neighbourhood, Elgin
- Timber Eiggxport
- Timber Transport Forum – Developing consultation and engagement guidance
- Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn – Galson Estate Trust
- Cumbernauld Living Landscapes Partnership – Natural Connections
- East Neuk Community Action Plan
- Community Wealth Building
- Good Practice Advisory Group
- Land Rights and Responsibilities Protocols
- Land Ownership by Charities and Private Trusts
- Good Stewardship of Land
- Diversification of Ownership and Tenure & Negotiating Transfer of Land to Communities
Governance & Ownership
Land Governance
- Lister Housing Co-operative Ltd
- Doune ponds
- Tombreck Action Group (TAG)
- Loch Arkaig Pine Forest
- Croft creation in Garbhad Wood, Balnagown Estate
- Glengarry Community Development Trust and Glengarry Forest Cabins
- Woodlot at Caerlaverock Castle Wood
- Old Castle Wood Ltd
- Carbeth Hutters Community Company
- Campy Growers, Dundee
- Bath Street Collective Custom Build
- BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Wolfhagen eG.
- The Argyll & Bute Strategic Housing Forum
- Eau de Paris/Paris Water Observatory
- The Seven Lochs Wetland Park
- Community Land Leadership Group
- Natural Capital
- International Experience
- Common Good
- Community Ownership
- Scale and Concentration of Land Ownership
- Governance Guide
- Land and Human Rights Advisory Forum
Land Governance
Housing & Development
- Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce
Transforming Vacant and Derelict Land
- Re-use Hub in a long-term vacant building - New Cumnock Development Trust
- An adventure playground for Possilpark – Concrete Garden
- Carluke High Mill & Community Growing & Learning Garden – Carluke Development Trust
- Former Police Box Active Travel Hub – Vale of Leven Trust
- Queens Park Recreation Ground, Crosshill, Glasgow
Early Engagement in Planning
- Countesswells, Aberdeen: a structure for community liaison
- Dalmarnock: a masterplanning approach
- Dumfries Neighbourhood Street Design: Community empowerment
- Fort William 2040: better proposals, better outcomes
- Glentress: Paving the way for planning consent
- Inverkeithing: Building quality, trust and community
- Killearn: three-way consultation
- Winchburgh: building long term community relationships
- Highland Council – Inverness City Living
- Bahnhof Heubruch, Wuppertal, Germany
- Anna's Hoeve, Hilversum, The Netherlands
- Dargavel, Renfrewshire
- Glasgow Commonwealth Games Village – a lasting legacy
- Castle Gardens, Pencaitland
- Bertha Park - Collaboration in masterplanning
- Anderston Regeneration Project
- Applecross Community Land Use Plan
- East Lothian – An area-based study of a higher value and less affordable market
- Orkney & Islands – An area-based study of a diverse rural area
- Rothiemurchus – A cross subsidy model
- Village Farm Site, Tarland
- Vacant and derelict land routemap
- Tenant Farming
- Tax & Fiscal
Good Practice
News & Events
- Blog
- New guide shows how good governance can transform land management in Scotland
- Bridging the data gap in Scottish tenant farming
- Rob Black
- Unlocking land for housing in rural Scotland
- Dr Gareth D. James
- Scottish Land Commission Urges Strong Role for Public Land Acquisition to Tackle Rural Housing Crisis
- New Hub for Community Landownership Research Goes Live
- When Disputes Cost More Than Money
- Scottish Land Commission Sets Out Changes to Simplify and Strengthen Land Reform Bill
- The Next Frontier in Tackling Vacant and Derelict Sites
- Looking Back at Land Links
- Unveiling Trends and the Need for Accessible Land Data in Scotland
- Scottish Rural Land Report Reveals 54% Drop in Forestry Sales
- Statement on the Scottish Government's tax commitment
- New Era for Land Reform: Scottish Land Commission Welcomes Fresh Leadership
- Progress, Challenges, and the Journey Ahead for Scotland's Land Reform
- No better time than now to put family tenancy in order
- Building community wealth, from the ground up.
- Naomi Mason
- Natural resource governance: Lessons for Scottish land reform
- What role for Land Value Tax?
- Part 2 of the Land Reform Bill – Progress to Date
- Responsible private investment in natural capital: A Scottish land reform perspective
- New report shows significant shift in Landlord-Tenant Relations for Scotland’s farmers
- When is a 91 Act tenancy not a 91 Act tenancy?
- Steady progress being made in tackling Scotland’s Vacant and Derelict Land and opportunities to deliver more
- Delivering community benefits from nature restoration work
- Alys Daniels-Creasey
- Findings from Community Land Scotland's Community Ownership Hub
- Community Land Scotland
- Statement on Highlands Rewilding
- Scottish Land Commission responds to crofting reform consultation
- Clarity on tenant status crucial in agricultural leases
- The Ownerless Property Transfer Scheme – a centuries-old regime creates new opportunities
- King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer
- Celebrating the Launch of Scotland’s Vacant and Derelict Land Hub
- Navigating the complex relationship between horse owners and tenant farming
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues new guidance on the use of comparables in rent reviews
- The use of comparables in rent reviews
- Exploring small-scale land opportunities in Scotland
- Miranda Geelhoed
- Recruitment opens for three new board members at the Scottish Land Commission
- Natural Capital Driven Land Sales Subside as Uncertainty Rises, Report Reveals
- Scottish land prices and natural capital investment
- Craig Mackenzie
- Are you clear about what is in your lease?
- Practical guidance to support rural businesses with diversification policies
- Scottish Land Commission responds to Land Reform Bill Call for Views
- How natural resource management can deliver public and community value
- Eleanor Radcliffe and Naomi Mason
- Landowners, windfarm investors, and community representatives in Strathdearn come together to discuss community benefits
- Insights from the Tenant Farming Manager
- Peter MacDougall
- Housing and Land Re-use – a Common Problem with a Common Solution?
- The Land Reform Bill – Implications for Landlords and Tenants of Agricultural Holdings
- Hundreds have their say on how to get more people living in Scotland’s town centres
- Scottish Land Commission welcomes “meaningful” Land Reform Bill
- Mediation or Litigation?
- Leadership in Good Practice
- Understanding the benefit of Scotland's Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (RCI)
- Completing a Land Reform Apprenticeship
- An opportunity to retire with a pension pot
- Good Practice Casework Report published
- New-look board announced to help drive land reform
- Oh deer. They’re in the neeps again.
- Community Land Leadership Group - update
- Information on the Public Appointments Process - Statement
- Have you thought about your lease recently?
- Hanna Wheatley
- Three years of Scotland’s rural land market in six maps
- Major report reveals large growth in Scottish land value
- Taxing questions
- Learning from France: SAFER's long term success in regulating land transfers
- Aberdeen residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Community Benefits
- Communities must benefit from Scotland’s changing land use
- Four reasons to think about community benefits
- Introducing the Community Land Accelerator: a step towards a more equitable Scotland
- New milestone in Scotland’s land reform journey “People” top of the Scottish Land Commission’s three-year plan
- Transparency, Options to Develop Land and Community Empowerment: Time for Action
- People, Power & Prosperity – our new Strategic Plan
- Pivotal positions open up at Scottish Government body
- Angus Glens residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Time to get a health check on your carbon status
- Delivering More Homes in a Climate Crisis – Time for an Informed Debate on Where we Build
- Inverness residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Changes needed for tenant farmers to hit green potential
- Beware of creating an unintended tenancy
- Resumptions – what you need to know
- James Hutton Institute and University of Aberdeen student wins Scottish Land Commission National Student Award
- Good Practice in action – Becoming a Good Practice Advisor
- A Just Transition – Are we valuing land in the right way?
- Community Land Accelerator lead appointed
- Rural Land Market Insights Report - what does it mean on the ground?
- New roadmap to ensure Scotland’s people reap the benefits of rising land values and land use change
- Skye, Raasay and Wester Ross residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Community Land Accelerator pilot project with Crown Estate Scotland announced
- Land use in Scotland is changing rapidly – the time to act is now
- Joined-up thinking key to success in reforming funding for forestry
- Community Land Leadership Group – 2023 and beyond
- High demand and rising prices continue to limit access to Scotland's valuable rural land
- Community engagement: cautious optimism – with room to improve
- Edinburgh residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Community benefits and net zero – the time is now
- Housing standards for agricultural holdings to be aligned with the private rented sector
- Scottish student to land £1,000 in national research award
- Dumfries & Galloway residents invited to join Scottish Land Commission online at latest virtual public meeting
- Alex Currie
- Write it down!
- NatureScot and Hampden & Co Memorandum of Understanding
- Bruce Morrison
- Unlocking potential – Modern apprenticeship offers project management opportunity in land reform
- Town Centre Living – Affordable Housing, Affordable Living
- Updated Guidance on Relinquishment and Assignation
- Public body sparks discussion on Scotland’s changing landscape
- Delivering NPF4 Requires Collaboration and Land Reform
- Public land bodies and estate leaders come together to share land learnings
- Stepping outside the echo chamber: The importance of cross-sector dialogue to address land challenges
- Delivering for the tenanted sector in 2023 and beyond
- Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park residents are invited to join the Scottish Land Commission online at our latest virtual public meeting
- Land lunchtime learning returns for second series
- Land rights and responsibilities – When tenant farming and sporting meet
- Renfrew and East Renfrewshire residents are invited to join the Scottish Land Commission online at our latest virtual public meeting
- Local school film showcased at national gallery
- Local pupils get behind the lens after major competition win
- Agriculture Bill Consultation – Your chance to have your say
- The Land-Food-Rights Nexus
- Dr Kirsteen Shields
- Land Reform Bill – Opportunity for joined-up thinking
- Western Isles residents are invited to join the Scottish Land Commission online at our latest virtual public meeting.
- Community engagement surveys – Meaningful engagement starts with you
- Opportunity for feedback to help Scotland improve land reform journey
- Land Commission launches new programme of free webinars
- New proposals for tenant farming
- Opportunities for Land Reform – Making your voice heard
- Engagement will be key in delivering fair land use
- Consultation is opportunity to share views and shape land reform in the public interest
- Transparency in ownership will be vital in shaping fair land use
- Fairer balance of rights required in Scotland’s land
- Shaping land reform – your chance to make an impact
- Film competition launched to showcase Scotland’s land
- People in Scotland can have their say on land
- Scotland's Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement - updated for our changing times
- A chance to have your say on land reform
- Fraserburgh, Peterhead and Huntly residents urged to get online to share views about their local land
- Mediation option can be best for solving disputes
- Public body announces key hires to help shape nation’s land
- Context is key in land reform
- John A. Lovett
- Protocol launched for responsible investment in natural capital
- Case studies in demand to highlight land and nature improvements
- What future for agricultural tenancies?
- Shaping Scotland’s land market key to natural capital opportunity
- Shetland residents urged to get online to share views about their local land
- Net zero housing targets and the impact on tenancies
- Karen Grant
- Shifting demands on land mean the only certainty is change – Let’s make sure it’s the change we want
- New discussion papers spark the debate on the carbon market
- Scotland’s Land and Natural Capital – Are there still big questions to answer?
- Dr Jill Robbie
- Sarah Madden
- Who Owns Natural Capital?
- Scottish Land Commission invites Cairngorms residents to online public meeting
- Tenant farmers encouraged to notify the TFC of alleged code breaches
- Gemma Cooper
- Piloting Land Rights and Responsibilities Assessment: NFUS members' experience – LRRS and the Farming Community
- NFU Scotland
- Scottish Land & Estates
- Piloting Land Rights and Responsibilities Assessment: SLE Members’ Experience
- Major report shows Scotland’s changing rural land market
- Embedding land rights and responsibilities – a review of the LRRS
- Piloting Land Rights and Responsibilities Assessment: Community Landowners’ Experience
- Dr Calum MacLeod
- Self-Assessment can help identify new opportunities for land use and management
- Can an agricultural tenancy exist without a written lease?
- Embedding land rights and responsibilities in natural capital investment and delivery
- What does land mean to me?
- New guidance for public bodies to ensure land is used and managed in the public interest
- Natural Capital and Land
- Scottish Land Commission invites Moray residents to online public meeting
- Guidance on Carbon Credits – What You Need to Know
- Guide will help agriculture landlords and tenants navigate ‘booming’ carbon credit trading
- Balancing land and human rights – towards a new Land Reform Bill
- Not So Pretty Vacant: Transforming vacant and derelict land in Land Reuse Month – March 2022
- Public sector urged to lead the way in land reuse
- £1,000 research grant up for grabs in National Student Award
- Tenant Farming in the Future – A look at the year ahead
- Taxing land, better: New report and recommendations on tax on land and property
- Taxing land better could help Scotland’s economic recovery
- Scottish Land Commission invites Perthshire residents to online public meeting
- Public appointment: Chair, Tenant Farming Commissioner and Land Commissioners reappointed to the Scottish Land Commission
- 2022 has landed – a look ahead at the coming year
- Reflecting on Scottish tenant farming developments in 2021
- Land rights and responsibilities - have your say
- Call for participation in ground-breaking land sales report
- Scottish Land Commission invites Ayrshire residents to online public meeting
- New Guide to Help Avoid Disputes over Fixed Equipment
- Definitive ‘fixed equipment’ guide created to help reduce tenant farmer and landlord disagreements
- New advisers to join Scottish Land Commission
- Scottish Land Commission invites Falkirk and Forth Valley residents to online public meeting
- Innovative poster campaign helps Scots tackle climate change
- New environmental policies must be ‘tenant-proofed’
- Land & Human Rights - Revisited: Why they're relevant now
- Malcolm Combe
- Land & Communities – Community land ownership and health
- Dr Bobby Macaulay
- It’s not just farmers who use and need land
- New investment in Scotland’s land can benefit nature and nation
- New group to look at land and human rights
- Scottish Land Commission invites Orkney residents to online public meeting
- Scotland’s natural capital opportunity must work in the public interest
- Land & Climate Change - Shaping the natural capital market in the public interest
- Bookings Now Open for Flagship Land Reform Event
- Land & Communities – More than 'one size fits all'
- Tenant farmers look for clarity on future agricultural policy
- Chair of Land Commission urges caution in selling carbon rights
- Land & Housing – Why Land for Housing Matters
- Housing land market needs overhaul to get economy moving
- New guidance clarifies information requirements for relinquishing farming tenancies
- The importance of making a record of agreements
- Land & Human Rights – The Tide of History is Lapping Over Scotland's Land
- Professor Alan Miller
- Land & Climate Change – Exploiting our natural capital for the benefit of all
- Opportunity – Event and Communications Support for Land Connection 2021
- Land & Climate Change - A just land use transformation
- Relinquishment and Assignation of Secure Tenancies – Have all the information ready before proceeding
- Land & Scotland's Big Ambitions - Harnessing the potential of our land
- to engage public on how land has an effect on everyday life in Scotland
- Taking Stock
- Architecture student wins SLC national award
- Scottish Land Commission invites Glasgow residents to online public meeting
- New guide for tenant farmers and landlords
- Rent review survey is important for the sector, says Tenant Farming Commissioner
- New guides to ensure compliance in tenanted sector
- Taskforce recommendations are driving action
- Land reform is happening
- Tackling land market failures is essential to getting more homes built in Scotland
- Scottish Land Commission invites Fife residents to online public meeting
- Scotland's Land Market: Time to Reform
- TFC Guidance on Relinquishment and Assignation
- National Student Award 2021 opens for entries
- Municipal Forests v Community Woodlands - Reflections from 2020 National Student Award Winner
- Heloise Le Moal
- New legislation to relinquish and assign farming tenancies
- Amnesty – Procedural Update from the Tenant Farming Commissioner
- Scottish Land Commission invites Borders residents to online public meeting
- New mediation scheme encourages all to give it a try
- Legislative proposals to address impact of Scotland’s concentration of land ownership
- Tackling Climate Change – A window of opportunity
- Easier access to mediation for farming disputes thanks to new scheme
- TFC Issues Guidance on Dealing with Ongoing Amnesty Discussions
- Advice from the TFC on Completing Amnesty Agreements
- An important new opportunity for secure tenants
- Derelict sites to be transformed with £50m Scottish Government fund
- A look ahead at land reform
- Tenant Farming Commissioner to set up Panel of Valuers
- Changes to the land and property tax system could support Scotland’s recovery and renewal
- Scottish Land Commission invites Highlands residents to virtual public meeting
- New code aims to make farm rent negotiations fairer
- New Protocol on local authority management of Common Good Land
- A Year of Good Practice
- Communities Realising the Potential of Vacant and Derelict Land
- Karlene Doherty
- New Code aims to ensure tenant farming rent reviews are fair, objective and evidence-based
- Land for Housing - What Europe can teach us
- Final Call for Amnesty Agreements
- Regional Land Use Partnerships to help drive urgent climate action
- Mediation Marks the Way Forward
- Reappointment of Land Commissioners
- Deadline Looms for Tenant’s Amnesty
- Dr Gareth James
- Delivering more homes and better places in Scotland
- Upsurge in tree planting putting land in demand
- Re-use derelict land to support economic growth and wellbeing, says Taskforce
- Andrew Thin
- We must up the pace and scale of change!
- Bold reform is needed to realise Scotland’s potential
- Balancing Land Rights and Responsibilities
- Whose space? Whose heritage?
- Cath Denholm
- Emma Cooper
- Land Commission learns from TFC experience
- Human Rights and Land Reform: A springboard for future resilience
- New Protocol on Good Stewardship of Land is published
- The Power of Community-led Regeneration
- Louisa Macdonell
- New protocols launched on land ownership in Scotland
- Building Community Wealth
- Julie McLachlan
- Regional Land Use Partnerships - Public Feedback
- Jane Davidson
- Rethinking land use for future generations
- TFC Blog: Tenancy Queries
- Dr Katherine Trebeck
- Land and collective wellbeing: fertile soil
- A Response to ‘Putting land back into the economic model’
- Deryck Irving
- Regional Land Use Partnerships - Interim Report
- Rental value of land
- Andrew Purves
- Putting land back into the economic model
- The value of land is more than pounds and pence
- Rural Housing
- New approach needed to deliver houses for rural Scotland
- TFC Blog: Level Heads Key to Succeeding with Rent Talks
- Imaginative approaches needed for community buy out of Buccleuch's Langholm Moor
- Making Scotland’s land work for recovery and renewal
- Trust in land
- New protocols launched for trusts and charities that own land
- Blog: The Value of Early Engagement
- Land for housing and development: time for change
- David Stewart
- Land for Housing – Time for change?
- Planning for the long term public interest
- Tenant Farming Commissioner offers advice on rent reviews
- Call for comment on Commission’s first Gaelic Language Plan
- Making the most of our land – the potential of new regional land use partnerships
- Extension to Tenant’s Amnesty
- Land Commission appoints Head of Land Rights and Responsibilities to drive change on the ground
- Annual Review 2019-20
- Blog: Agricultural Land Occupation Survey Results
- Shaping our futures - Communities and the Right to Buy for Sustainable Development
- Tenant Farming Commissioner welcomes recommendations
- International approach to land ownership holds lessons for Scotland
- Is there such a thing as ‘normal’ community ownership?
- Blog: Clarity about land ownership benefits everyone
- News: Clarity about land ownership benefits everyone
- TFC Coronavirus (COVID-19) On-Site Meetings
- COVID-19 Business Update
- TFC Blog: New advice on diversification for tenant farmers in Scotland
- Call for new voices to have their say on land reform
- New advice on diversification for tenant farmers in Scotland
- Forestry student wins national land reform award
- All parties need to act quickly for Amnesty on Tenant’s Improvements
- Farm Business Incubators
- Farm business incubators could help bring new entrants into agriculture in Scotland
- TFC Blog: Mediation in the Tenant Farming Sector
- Project manager joins Land Commission to drive forward Regional Land Use Partnerships
- Nick Wright
- The Value of Early Engagement
- Scottish Land Matching Service - Up and running
- Community Engagement Baseline Survey Report 2019 Results Announced
- Community Engagement - What we can learn
- Land Settlement Act Centenary sees momentum for change growing
- The Impact of Vacant and Derelict Land
- TFC Blog: Holding out the hope of settling tenancy issues
- Good Practice blog
- Good practice programme to support land reform
- Mark Stephens
- Laurie Macfarlane
- Alison Martin
- Guest Blog: Laurie Macfarlane – Land Lines: The housing land market in Scotland
- Land Value Taxation
- Making more of Scotland’s land
- Welcome to the Scottish Land Commission’s Blog!
- Community Land Summit
- TFC Blog: Housing in Agricultural Tenancies that are occupied by the tenant
- Lorne MacLeod
- The future of community ownership
- Community Land Week: Community land ownership becoming the norm
- Compulsory Sale Orders – adding to the regeneration toolbox
- TFC Blog: The importance of recording agreements in writing
- David Adams
- Public interest led development (PILD)
- Land Value Capture – what’s the big idea?
- Addressing Scale and Concentration of Land Ownership in Scotland
- Barriers to entering agriculture
- Guest Blog: Back to the Land?
- Under the Hammer - Compulsory Sale Orders Explored
- Scotland’s proposed new Rights Act and land reform
- Sally Reynolds
- Community Engagement in decisions relating to land
- Guest Blog: Understanding International Experiences of Community, Communal and Municipal Ownership of Land: a knowledge exchange webinar
- TFC Blog: Agreeing and Managing Agricultural Leases
- Megan MacInnes
- International Perspectives Pose Questions for Scottish Land Reform
- TFC Blog: Guide Designed to Help Farmers and Landlords
- TFC Blog: Discussions and Advice Vital for Diversification
- Shona Glenn
- Sharing Land Values – there is no quick fix!
- Guest Blog: Internship creates a road to somewhere
- TFC Blog: Regulations on private water – queries tackled
- TFC Blog: Less than one year left under amnesty for agricultural tenants
- Land value capture to have a proactive role in place making
- Report examines merits of land value tax in Scotland
- Practical on-farm amnesty days call for tenant farmers to act now
- Housing on tenanted farms to meet the Repairing Standard
- Community ownership should become routine option for communities across Scotland, says new report
- Not So Pretty Vacant: Taskforce starts task of reducing vacant and derelict land
- Scottish Land Commission’s response to SLE’s concerns about SLDTs
- Tenant Farming Commissioner publishes updated guidance on rent reviews
- Not so pretty vacant. Scottish Land Commission and SEPA target new uses for derelict and vacant land
- Buccleuch Estates
- New legal power proposed in Scotland to tackle blight of vacant and derelict land
- Less than two years left under amnesty for agricultural tenants
- Tenant Farming Commissioner publishes Buccleuch Report
- Concentration of land ownership in Scotland – call for evidence deadline
- Finding ways for old hands to bring new blood into farming
- Discussion paper looks at how land reform in Scotland can further realise human rights
- Review makes recommendations to improve relationships between land agents, tenants and landlords
- Scottish Land Commission publishes James Hutton Institute new entrants report
- Public Interest Led Development seminar
- Report points way to using land value increases to deliver new housing and development
- Public Interest Led Development
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues new Code and Guidance at Advisory Forum meeting
- New Codes of Practice to support community engagement by landowners
- Discussion paper looks at increasing availability of agricultural land for new entrants
- Moving forward…
- Time for action on making use of our land
- TFC blog: Succession Planning
- Can Common Good assets deliver greater public benefit?
- New land matching service to help new entrants into farming
- Learning from International Experience
- Urban land and communities – Shaping the future
- Gemma Campbell
- Tenants’ Amnesty – Last Opportunity Beckons
- Bob McIntosh
- Guest Blog: National Student Award winner shares her experience
- Hamish Trench
- Regional Land Use Partnerships
- Scottish Land Commission encourages land owners to take an open approach
- State must lead on major, public interest development argues new paper
- Tenant Farming Commissioner to consult with stakeholders on the review of the conduct of agents of landlords and tenants
- Scale and Concentration of land ownership in Scotland
- Land reform body marks first anniversary
- Tenant Farming Commissioner to further consult on the review of the conduct of agents of landlords and tenants
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues Guide to Essential Features of the Modern Limited Duration Tenancy
- Scottish Land Commission invites Skye residents to public meeting
- Scottish Land Commission to review community right to buy mechanisms
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues Maintenance of Agricultural Holdings Code of Practice
- New Staff join the Scottish Land Commission
- Discussion paper looks at land market intervention to increase housing supply in Scotland
- Tenant Farming Commissioner makes recommendations for a modern list of improvements
- Land Commission to look at potential for land value taxes in Scotland
- Study to look at increasing the availability of farmland for new entrants
- Guest Blog: VDL Taskforce Work Shadow
- Sophie
- Action on Blight
- Kathie Pollard
- Farm Incubators – Learning from France
- James MacKessack-Leitch
- Scottish Land Commission champions engagement process for successful land management
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues Agricultural Leases Code of Practice
- Addressing Scotland’s pattern of land ownership can unlock economic and community opportunities
- Scottish Land Commission invites Edinburgh residents to community event
- Highland student receives Scottish Land Commission award
- Agreement reached over Borders tenant farmer
- Land owner survey looks at community engagement
- Tenant Farming Commissioner publishes Conduct of Agents Guide
- Scottish Land Commission invites Bute residents to community event
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues Sporting Rights Code of Practice
- Scottish Land Commission – Conference
- Tenant Farming Commissioner invites landlords & tenants to take part in survey of views on agents’ conduct
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues Limited Partnerships Code of Practice
- New Tenant Farming Advisory Forum meet for first time
- Scottish Land Commission publishes first Strategic Plan
- Review of agents begins
- New staff join growing Scottish Land Commission
- Scottish Land Commission appoint Hamish Trench as Chief Executive
- More dates added to Land Commission’s series of events
- Tenant Farming Commissioner issues first Code of Practice
- Tenant Farming Commissioner calls on tenants and landlords to consider Brexit in rent reviews
- Scottish Land Commission invites Aberdeenshire residents to community event
- Land reform body is now operational
- Recommendations published by Land Commission
- Scottish Land Commission launches monthly community events
- Key land reform body to bring around 20 new jobs to Inverness
- Appointments to Scottish Land Commission
- Scottish Land Commission invites Peebles residents to community event
- Fundamental rethink needed for Scotland’s approach to land development
- Highland map initiative aims to create a road to somewhere
- Community ownership study finds that a mix of funding is needed for success
- Buccleuch Estates – Langholm Moor
- Scottish Land Commission creates stronger links to green network
- Scottish Land Commission statement on Buccleuch Estates – Langholm Moor
- Scottish Land Commission seeks community views
- Only one year left under amnesty for agricultural tenants
- National focus needed to realise the opportunities of transforming derelict land, Taskforce says
- Agricultural tenants encouraged to consider succession planning
- The future of Common Good assets in Scotland
- Making urban spaces work for everyone
- Land reform unlocks opportunity as Scotland tackles climate emergency
- National Student Award open for entries
- Derelict sites contribute to perceptions of urban decline
- Events
- Privacy policy
- Openness
- All publications
- Contact us