
Bridging the data gap in Scottish tenant farming

Addressing the data gap in the tenant farming sector is crucial for fair policy, investment, and the sector’s future.


When Disputes Cost More Than Money

A look at how mediation can resolve Landlord-Tenant disputes.


No better time than now to put family tenancy in order

Planning ahead for the succession and assignation of agricultural tenancies is crucial to avoid legal, financial, and emotional challenges.


Part 2 of the Land Reform Bill – Progress to Date

Update from the Tenant Farming Commissioner on Part 2 of the Land Reform Bill.


When is a 91 Act tenancy not a 91 Act tenancy?

Understanding the complexities and pitfalls of creating a new lease under the 1991 Act.


Clarity on tenant status crucial in agricultural leases

Recent TFC cases have illustrated the importance of being clear about who the tenant is in an agricultural tenancy situation.


Navigating the complex relationship between horse owners and tenant farming

Through the Tenant Farming Helpline, we have had many enquiries from horse owners who have been renting land to keep their horses.


The use of comparables in rent reviews

The periodic rent review can be a source of tension and dispute between landlords and tenants of agricultural holdings.


Are you clear about what is in your lease?

Knowing what is exactly in the lease is important for both relinquishment and assignation provision and registering a preemptive right to buy.


Insights from the Tenant Farming Manager

Tenant Farming Manager, Peter MacDougall, shares his TFC insights since joining the Commission last year.


The Land Reform Bill – Implications for Landlords and Tenants of Agricultural Holdings

How will the measures in the Land Reform Bill impact on landlord/tenant transactions?


Mediation or Litigation?

Mediation can be a highly effective way of reaching agreement and avoiding costly litigation.


An opportunity to retire with a pension pot

In February 2021 the Scottish Government introduced the Relinquishment and Assignation Provisions.


Oh deer. They’re in the neeps again.

The need to reduce deer numbers in Scotland is an ongoing topic of discussion and, sometimes, controversy.


Have you thought about your lease recently?

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner talks about the importance of knowing the details of your lease.


Time to get a health check on your carbon status

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner discusses the benefits of carrying out a carbon audit.


Beware of creating an unintended tenancy

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, warns against unintentionally creating a tenancy through an informal agreement.


Resumptions – what you need to know

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, looks at what you need to know about resumptions and how they could affect your business.


Rural Land Market Insights Report - what does it mean on the ground?

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, reflects on trends in Scotland's rural land market that we explored in our latest Rural Land Market Insights report.


Housing standards for agricultural holdings to be aligned with the private rented sector

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, explores upcoming changes to the standards for agricultural housing in his latest blog.


Write it down!

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at importance of making a written record of discussions held and agreements made between landlords, tenants, and their agents in his latest blog.


Updated Guidance on Relinquishment and Assignation

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, shares updates on his guide to relinquishment and assignation of 1991 Act tenancies.


Delivering for the tenanted sector in 2023 and beyond

In his first blog of the year, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks ahead at what’s in store for the tenanted sector in 2023.


Land rights and responsibilities – When tenant farming and sporting meet

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, explores the rights and responsibilities when tenant farming and sporting meet.


Agriculture Bill Consultation – Your chance to have your say

In our latest blog, Dr Bob McIntosh discusses the new Agricultural Bill consultation and its importance to the tenant farming sector.


Engagement will be key in delivering fair land use

In our latest blog series, the Scottish Land Commissioners encourage people across Scotland to respond to Scottish Government's proposals for a new Land Reform Bill. The sixth and final blog in the series is from the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh.


New proposals for tenant farming

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at new proposals for tenant farming included included in two Scottish Government bills currently out for consultation.


Mediation option can be best for solving disputes

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh explores the benefits of mediation, and why it's particularly suited to settling disagreements between landlords and tenants.


What future for agricultural tenancies?

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at the future trends for agricultural tenancies in Scotland.


Net zero housing targets and the impact on tenancies

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at net zero housing targets and the impact that these could have on tenancies.


Tenant farmers encouraged to notify the TFC of alleged code breaches

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at alleged breaches of the TFC Codes of Practice and encourages people to notify him when these occur.


Can an agricultural tenancy exist without a written lease?

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at whether an agricultural tenancy can exist without a written lease.


Guidance on Carbon Credits – What You Need to Know

The Tenant Farming Commissioner's guidance on carbon credits related to agricultural holdings legislation is out today, and he explores it in his latest blog.


Tenant Farming in the Future – A look at the year ahead

In his latest blog, Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, looks at the challenges and opportunities for tenant farming throughout the year ahead.


Reflecting on Scottish tenant farming developments in 2021

Bob McIntosh, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, looks back at the year of Scottish tenant farming developments in 2021 in his latest blog.


New Guide to Help Avoid Disputes over Fixed Equipment

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh explores ways to avoid disagreements using his latest Guide to Fixed Equipment on Agricultural Holdings in Scotland.


New environmental policies must be ‘tenant-proofed’

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, looks at COP26, carbon credits, and ensuring that environmental policies are 'tenant-proofed.'


It’s not just farmers who use and need land

The Tenant Farming Commissioner reflects on the connections with tenant farming and how his work is acting as an important forerunner to wider land reform.


Tenant farmers look for clarity on future agricultural policy

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at three pressing issues: future support, carbon trading, and smoke alarms.


The importance of making a record of agreements

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses the importance of record-keeping to protect both parties when making agreements between tenant farmers and landlords.


Relinquishment and Assignation of Secure Tenancies – Have all the information ready before proceeding

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses the considerations if tenant farmers are thinking of giving up their lease.


Taking Stock

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at how his work is having an impact in the sector.


New guides to ensure compliance in tenanted sector

The Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, discusses his upcoming guidance on compliance in our latest blog.


TFC Guidance on Relinquishment and Assignation

The TFC provides advice on the new legislation relating to relinquishment and assignation.


New mediation scheme encourages all to give it a try

In the hope that mediation will become a more popular means to resolve disputes, the TFC discusses the new scheme to make access to mediation easier and more affordable in his latest blog.


An important new opportunity for secure tenants

Bob McIntosh, Tenant Farming Commissioner, shares his thoughts on the Relinquishment and Assignation provisions introduced by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016, which come into force early in 2021.


New code aims to make farm rent negotiations fairer

In his latest blog, the Tenant Farming Commissioner explores a step-by-step approach to conducting rent reviews in his latest Code of Practice.


Mediation Marks the Way Forward

The Tenant Farming Commissioner explores the benefits of mediation between tenants and landlords and provides details of an upcoming online webinar exploring this.


Upsurge in tree planting putting land in demand

In his latest blog, Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh looks at how tenants and landlords can reach agreement about planting trees due to the upsurge in interest in afforesting land.


Land Commission learns from TFC experience

The Tenant Farming Commissioner explores the role of our Land Rights & Responsibilities Protocols for land owners, managers and users in the agricultural sector in his latest blog.


TFC Blog: Tenancy Queries

Tenant Farming Commissioner Bob McIntosh reflects on the number of tenancy queries he receives.


TFC Blog: Level Heads Key to Succeeding with Rent Talks

The Tenant Farming Commissioner looks at landlords and tenants working together to achieve a settlement that is fair to both parties.


Blog: Agricultural Land Occupation Survey Results

The Tenant Farming Commissioner discusses the results of the Agricultural Land Occupation Survey, which provides an annual a snapshot of what is happening in the let land market.


TFC Blog: New advice on diversification for tenant farmers in Scotland

Scottish tenant farmers, who are planning to diversify into areas such as tourism or renewable energy, can now get advice on their rights from a new guide that we published this month.


Farm Business Incubators

Policy Officer James MacKessack-Leitch shares how farm incubators could innovate Scottish agriculture.


TFC Blog: Mediation in the Tenant Farming Sector

This year is the Year of Mediation so it seems apt that we’re nearing the end of our review of the pilot mediation service – and considering where we might take it next.


Scottish Land Matching Service - Up and running

The Scottish Land Matching Service is now up and running - here's how to access it.


TFC Blog: Holding out the hope of settling tenancy issues


Tenants’ Amnesty – Last Opportunity Beckons


New land matching service to help new entrants into farming


TFC blog: Succession Planning


TFC Blog: Less than one year left under amnesty for agricultural tenants


TFC Blog: Regulations on private water – queries tackled


TFC Blog: Discussions and Advice Vital for Diversification


TFC Blog: Guide Designed to Help Farmers and Landlords


TFC Blog: Agreeing and Managing Agricultural Leases


TFC Blog: Housing in Agricultural Tenancies that are occupied by the tenant


TFC Blog: The importance of recording agreements in writing
