Land Governance

Land reform discussions often revolve around the relative importance of land ownership versus land use, but in practice both of these aspects interact and are equally important. As the demands put upon our land increase to meet economic, social, and environmental needs and ambitions, framing ownership and use together as a question of governance shifts the focus and presents new opportunities.

The need to develop more diverse governance models is integral to modernising the pattern of land ownership – and questions of governance are currently gaining increased focus as new opportunities and value in land is understood, particularly relating to natural capital investment.

New governance approaches will not only help address the longstanding structural issues Scotland’s current land governance system experiences, but also provide the opportunity for Scotland to be a world leader in how we think about power and control over land, driving new investment and innovation, sustainably balancing risk and reward, and ensuring benefits are fairly shared.

Our work in this field has been, and will be, wide ranging, from undertaking research on international examples, to partnership working on project opportunities, to providing good practice advice, to developing policy advice. All of which will serve the dual aims of making the most of the opportunities available within our current legislative and policy frameworks, as well as leading the culture change Scotland needs for the next stage of our land reform journey.

Land Governance

Case Studies

The Seven Lochs Wetland Park

Spanning the Glasgow City and North Lanarkshire Council boundary between Easterhouse, Coatbridge and Stepps the Seven Lochs Wetland Park is Scotland’s largest urban nature park.

link to The Seven Lochs Wetland Park case study

Eau de Paris/Paris Water Observatory

The Paris Water Observatory advises and holds to account Paris’ public water operator: Eau de Paris.

link to Eau de Paris/Paris Water Observatory case study

The Argyll & Bute Strategic Housing Forum

The Argyll & Bute Strategic Housing Forum is a network of key partners responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the council’s local housing strategies.

link to The Argyll & Bute Strategic Housing Forum case study

BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Wolfhagen eG.

BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Wolfhagen e.G (BEG Wolfhagen) is a consumer cooperative that co-owns its town’s municipal energy company alongside the local council.

link to BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Wolfhagen eG. case study

Bath Street Collective Custom Build

Bath Street Collective Custom Build in Edinburgh is a group of residents that have formed a small company in order to buy a piece of land, design their own homes on it, and commission architects and builders to build them.

link to Bath Street Collective Custom Build case study

Campy Growers, Dundee

The Campy Growers is Dundee’s largest community growing space, established on a derelict site owned by Dundee City Council.

link to Campy Growers, Dundee case study

Carbeth Hutters Community Company

The Carbeth Hutters Community Company is a membership organisation which owns 150 acres of land North of Glasgow.

link to Carbeth Hutters Community Company case study

Old Castle Wood Ltd

In 2005, five families in Aberfeldy were able to buy a woodland of 20 hectares in size, through a limited company within which all families hold equal shares.

link to Old Castle Wood Ltd case study

Woodlot at Caerlaverock Castle Wood

Woodlots provide a flexible way to bring small and medium-sized woodlands back into management.

link to Woodlot at Caerlaverock Castle Wood case study

Glengarry Community Development Trust and Glengarry Forest Cabins

The community at Glengarry bought their first woodland from the Forestry Commission in 2015, with a view to manage the land for the benefit of the community and the wider public.

link to Glengarry Community Development Trust and Glengarry Forest Cabins case study

Croft creation in Garbhad Wood, Balnagown Estate

Balnagown Estate is currently in the process of creating three to six new tenanted crofts in Garbhad Wood, near Edderton.

link to Croft creation in Garbhad Wood, Balnagown Estate case study

Loch Arkaig Pine Forest

5% of Loch Arkaig Pine Forest is owned by the community, and 95% by the Woodland Trust but the whole area is managed in partnership with the objective to restore native woodlands and support local livelihoods.

link to Loch Arkaig Pine Forest case study

Tombreck Action Group (TAG)

The Tombreck Action Group brings together all households and businesses located on Tombreck farm in Perthshire.

link to Tombreck Action Group (TAG) case study

Doune ponds

Doune ponds is a small-scale nature reserve owned by Moray Estates and managed by the Doune Community Woodland Group since 2014.

link to Doune ponds case study

Lister Housing Co-operative Ltd

Lister Housing Co-operative Ltd is the oldest housing co-operative in Scotland, providing affordable housing in central Edinburgh.

link to Lister Housing Co-operative Ltd case study