Bookings Now Open for Flagship Land Reform Event
With just four weeks to go until the Scottish Land Commission conference, Land Connection 2021, gets under way, attendees are being encouraged to book their place at the free, online event.
The three-day conference, which takes place from Monday 4 October to Wednesday 6 October, will bring together experts from across a range of industries including public bodies, local authorities, academia, housing sector, private sector, and social enterprises to look at the role of land in helping to achieve some of Scotland’s big ambitions for the economy, climate and communities.
Through a mix of webinars, panel discussions and workshops, the conference will explore how Scotland can continue to evolve and modernise the ways land is owned and used to tackle the climate emergency, benefitting the economy and supporting communities.
The conference will open with a keynote address by Scottish Government Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform, Màiri McAllan MSP, who will set out the government’s bold ambitions and priorities for land reform.
As well as hearing from the keynote speakers, delegates at the conference will be able to attend a range of panel discussions covering everything from the role of land in community wealth building to green finance and land rights and responsibilities in practice.
The Scottish Land Commission, which works to stimulate fresh thinking and change in how land is owned and used, provides leadership for change in culture and practice, and advises Scottish Ministers on an ongoing programme of land reform, is organising the event.
Andrew Thin, Chair of the Scottish Land Commission, is keen to encourage as many people as possible to book their place at the event and create their own bespoke conference experience. He said:
“The conference aims to bring people together to discuss how land, and the ways it is owned, managed and used, can help tackle some of Scotland’s big policy issues and create a greener and fairer economy.
“Land must be part of our economic thinking as we address recovery, renewal and a just transition to net zero. The sessions across the three days will explore how the ways we own and use land can provide opportunities for more people to benefit, reduce inequalities and strengthen community resilience.
“Delivering the conference online provides us with opportunities to engage with a wider range of speakers, contributors and audiences for 2021 allowing attendees to create their own schedule of events, tailored to their specific interests.”
For more information on the conference, including the full programme and details of how to book, visit