NatureScot and Hampden & Co Memorandum of Understanding
NatureScot and Hampden & Co, a private banking company, recently announced a new pilot project designed to support nature restoration across Scotland. As part of the announcement, a published memorandum of understanding (MoU) incorrectly identified the Scottish Land Commission as having a decision-making role on the project board. In line with our remit as an independent body, we will be providing advice to the project on land rights and responsibilities, community engagement, and community benefit to ensure that an approach is taken consistent with the Scottish Government’s Interim Principles for Responsible Investment in Natural Capital. The incorrect information has been amended on NatureScot’s website to reflect our advisory role.
Work with us
The Scottish Land Commission works with organisations of all sizes across Scotland to promote and support change on the ground and good practice in the way land is owned and used in both urban and rural Scotland. The Commission’s Good Practice Team has created a range of protocols, tools, and guidance to encourage and enable those with an interest in land to recognise and fulfil their rights and responsibilities. Find out more about Good Practice or get in touch with the team at or 01463 423 300.